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Title I Information

Title I

Title I is a federally funded program that provides financial assistance to school districts and states to reach students who are at risk educationally. The Title I goal is to provide extra instructional services which support students identified as failing or at risk of failing to meet the state's challenging performance standards in reading, writing, and math. Most students served are grades 1 through 6 in private and public school as wells as about 12% in preschool and kindergarten.

Bradford has a School Wide Program and uses Title I funds to enhance the regular instructional program. School use funds to: add highly qualified staff; support parental and community involvement; to improve staff development; purchase instructional supplies and materials; and add technology and needed equipment.

Parents in a Title I building may request information about the professional qualifications of the student’s teachers including: if the teacher has met state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade level and subject areas taught; the teacher’s degree, graduate certification, and field of discipline; if the teacher is teaching under temporary or emergency status in which state licensing criteria are waived; and the qualifications of paraprofessionals if used.

The Title I program sponsors the learning materials that are given away at the “All Aboard” parent meeting for Pre-K parents during kindergarten screening. These material include magnetic letters, sidewalk chalk, books, learning games, and handouts that teach parents how to help their child.

The above information can also be found in the Notice of Parents Right-to-Know.

Family Participation
Research shows that parents can influence the success of their child in school. How well a student does in school depends a great deal upon who much their parents become involved with their education. You can be more involved by joining the school/parent organization, volunteering at school, communicating with your child’s teacher, attending parent-teacher conferences, and supporting extra-curricular activities and summer programs at local libraries.

We will have periodic parent meeting to keep you updated on your child’s progress.

More information can be found on the Ohio Department of Education website.

District and State Testing
Notice of District Policy on Student Participation in State Assessments

Bradford Exempted Village School students are subject to the administration of district and state assessments. These tests will provide the student, parents, teachers, district and state important information on the student's academic progress on the state standards. Upon request the school will provide, in a timely manner, the district's testing policy and state information mandated by section 1111(b)(2).

When the results of state mandated assessment are sent to the district, those reports will be forwarded on to the parents. Any district assessment results will either be sent home with the student, mailed to the house or distributed during parent teacher conferences.

The district’s most recent State Report Card can be found at:

If you have any questions about district or state tests, please feel free to contact the elementary principal at 937-448-2811.
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